"Honestly man, you're not the second coming of data engineering Jesus because you wrote code once and got popular for swearing a lot in a blog."
"This seems like it was written by a first year IT associate who doesn't really understand either side of this cycle."
"The author of this article seems like an asshole."
"While I'm deeply sympathetic, the author should be discussing their issues with a therapist rather than spreading this on the internet."
"I don’t like throwing around out the phrase 'privileged/out of touch' too often but this post doesn’t seem fit for the top position of HN."
"Author is NOT the victim. They have a lack of people skills that could be remedied by taking some proper coursework, or seeking professional help. The companies author is working for are the victims."
"Unreadable. Organize your thoughts, write concisely. You believe you have something to say; we would love to hear it. But we aren’t willing to wade through a sewage of words."
"This whole blog reads like a manifesto from an angry young mid level engineer who is good at software but awful with people."
"A dev thinking everyone is stupid but him.
"Hello from the 90%. You aren’t nearly as smart as you think you are, and I’d bet you’re just as insufferable as your writing implies."
"Author is stuck in a self-fulfilling prophecy. There are tech companies that act on data, admit failings, train people management as an important craft, support individual and organizational growth, reward humility at all levels, etc.
Those organizations also won't hire someone with an attitude this toxic."
"I'm sorry, but this needs a privilege/gratitude check. You are guaranteed your salary, and you're welcome to take on the same level of risk your company is by starting your own. If you think it's so easy go ahead."
"There is a high likelihood that many other people in the org were lightyears ahead of the author. It's even more likely that an engineer or manager in their group was "Banking" the inefficiencies to use during a cost-cutting period - and the author ruined that chance... which will inevitably cause massive suffering and possibly poor performance reviews when there is nothing to trim."
"I think the author should take a vacation."
"The superior tone of the writing is wild to me, because it isn't exactly a story where I think the author looks great. Certainly others look worse in the story, but still, finding an issue and apparently barely trying to convince others it's an issue is not impressive."
"I love how the author is just too busy solving problems brought about by idiots (not him, of course), but never mentions solving problems via:
- Improving dashboard engagement through awareness. Maybe through something like periodic email blasts that showcase metrics from the dashboards.
But, no, the author is too smart for that nonsense... "
"This story sounds relatable, but the author is so obnoxious it’s annoying."
"The counter-example of a software to abstract SQL queries is weird. This is exactly what we have been doing with other levels of abstraction, happily so. Why write Python instead of just using a compiled language? Because it's easier, and allows you to hire different types of people and focus on higher order problems. Maybe that's offensive if you are a world-class programmer like the author seems to think he is."
"This person sounds like an energy vampire. I don't disagree with some of the points, but the way they're conveyed and the writing style make it hard to empathize with them."
"Wow, if I was the leader of this person's company I would immediately terminate them.
It is so toxic to work with people who are this entitled. Getting this upset over a mandatory meeting? What a nightmare. You know this is just the tip of the iceberg for their bad behavior if they are the type to publish a seething screed over something so banal.
I don't like four hour meetings either. But give me a break. Running companies is hard, keeping teams aligned is hard. Sometimes keeping things going requires doing things that we don't like. That's just called being an adult."
"Whoever wrote this is very immature. Management isn’t making a big ask here."
"Another week, another cliched rant against "leadership" that throws out all the usual tropes. You know, it would be much more worth reading for someone to write about great leadership and acknowledge it exists and in fact isn't all that uncommon, call out great leaders, and try and understand what makes them great.
What does the author intend by writing out this sort of sophormoric rant? Is it just for the clicks? To try and big up their own profile? I suggest doing something better with their time that would actually make the world a slightly better place."
"Interesting that he claims all groups of people contain a certain percentage of 'Morons' but then he says he only surrounds himself with brilliant people, which, by definition, makes him the moron."
I will concede that this guy absolutely fucking owned me.
"Honestly, I couldn't get past the violent language. Why do we give people who speak like this any respect. It's completely inappropriate."
"You definitely have no issue writing long and boring articles."
"It reads like this author is a nerd, for lack of a better word, not someone I would enjoy talking to for extended period of time."
"I'm sorry, but after reading this sentence there is no way that this man is a great engineer. And I don't care how much he studies. This is unprofessional. Pretending you don't need version control or tests is wildly arrogant."
I didn't actually write what I've been accused of here, but I appreciate this guy expending three of the eight calories he uses on thinking annually to comment on my work.
"Mostly what I drew from the article is that the author feels smugly superior to many of his peers, and wants an excuse (they didn't even read a book) to morally blame them for their (perceived) shortcomings, while serving up a generous helping of false modesty on the side."