
About Me


If you're reading this, I'm Nikhil Suresh, some dude living out in Melbourne, Australia. I used to try and stay anonymous, but at this point everyone knows who I am. I'm also the executive director of a consultancy, which sounds very important, but it's just myself and five friends trying to see if we can destroy the livelihoods of grifters by taking all their business via competence and emotional intelligence. We're a very small operation and I am still, ultimately, just some dude.

If you don't mind the field of torment that is LinkedIn, the quickest way to connect with me is on the Wretched Hellsite. I welcome all connections, and will happily set you up with lots of interesting people. This will sound crazy, but LinkedIn doesn't suck if you relentlessly block everyone that needs to go to Thought Leader Jail and add a few hundred blog readers.

Secondly, my company's website is here. I don't expect to really drive any business through this platform — engineers tend not to be big on purchasing power — but for some reason it's very spiritually important to me to show programmers like myself that you can start a business and it isn't that painful. There it is. It's real, exists as a legal entity, only took a few phone calls and a negligible handful of cash to create, and has been taken seriously by other businesses.

There's also a whole post available here which links to my GitHub and other works, sparse as they are, as it seems more honest to sincerely discuss the industry only after my own work is up for critique.

Congratulations, we're parasocial best friends now!

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